Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Am I a Bad Person?

He's headed out...and I miss him already.

But the joy I am finding today is the joy I find in having him gone.

I have the house to myself again. All the pillows are MINE-MINE-MINE. I can have popcorn for dinner if I want, or leftovers for breakfast (or nothing but good, strong coffee). Meals no longer have to be on a schedule. I can sleep late, and stay up all night if I want to. I can turn the AC to "sub-zero-Arctic-chill" and no one will complain. I can use ALL the wireless bandwidth, and not worry about slowing down his World of Warcraft.

Sure, I miss him, and I wish he wasn't going to be gone so long. But am I a bad person that I'm rather thrilled at the moment?


At 8/31/2006 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you're a bad person. Of course, I am extremely proprietary about my time, so maybe I'm trying to absolve myself of future guilt here as well. But I think a person is entitled to be happy about having the freedom to eat snack food in lieu of meals.

At 8/31/2006 12:54 AM, Blogger Carolie said...

I knew I liked you, Lori! :)

At 8/31/2006 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I see you it you have the best of both worlds! You have your man and your freedom.


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