We Interrrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming...
..to bring you this news bulletin.The big news--drumroll please! The Book is at the publishers! For those of you who don't know, I've been helping a blogging friend with her new book. She trusted me with her witty, hysterically funny, occasionally poignant, brilliantly written words, and I put together a layout and book cover.
Yes, she's in New England and I'm in Japan. The cover photography was done in North Carolina (by Dad, a professional photographer), the illustrations were done in California, and the proofreading was done in Colorado. Truly an international (and electronic!) project. Perhaps one day, we can all meet face to face--other than Dad and me (of course), the rest of us have never met except via cyberspace. Hey, maybe can meet on Oprah!
Motherhood is Not for Wimps is at the publisher now, and should be available (we hope!) on Amazon.com and via Liz's website by December 1st. Visit Liz's blog at www.damomma.com and bookmark it-- you won't be sorry! To see the book cover, click here.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. How's that for joy?