Thursday, November 23, 2006

On the Other Hand...

On one hand, I could whine and moan and bitch. I have the flu. Fearless Husband is at sea (thanks a bunch, Mr. President!) and won't be home for Thanksgiving. I miss my family, my church and my choir. My sister-in-law is being thoughtless (giving her the benefit of the doubt) and has hurt Mom's feelings, and I'm not there to be a buffer. My house is a wreck and I need to get it clean. I desperately miss having a dog and a cat. I want so much to have/adopt a baby right NOW, to have my husband's arms around me, etc. Waah, waah, waah.

On the other hand, I could choose to see the blessings I've got: a husband who loves me beyond all measure, and who is NOT in mortal danger as so many men and women currently are in our armed services. I have the love of two living parents, two living step-parents, a set of in-laws complete with the World's Most Darling Grandparents, two brothers, a brother-in-law, two sisters-in-law, three beautiful nieces, one darling nephew and more first and second cousins than anyone outside Appalachia should have.

I have my dear Japanese friend and her parents joining me for a huge Thanksgiving feast on Saturday, and they are beside themselves with excitement. They've never seen such a big bird, and I'm excited to spread a table full of traditional dishes and my pretty crystal.

I am healthy and happy, in a lovely house, with more than enough...I have a gracious plenty of everything I need and most everything I want. I have the freedom and finances and good health to be able to travel a little bit. I have a few kind readers, and many dear friends (both via cyberspace and physically). I have more books than a library, and a great Internet connection.

I am one very blessed woman, and for all of the above (and more), I am truly thankful.